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About me



Having always been creative, and loving everything art and design as a child, I left all that behind when I thought a business-based career would be the more ‘sensible’ option!


Fast forward 20 years and a career in various business roles, including running my own recruitment agency for 5 years, I had my second child and felt I couldn’t go back to that world anymore. I didn’t want to be travelling around the country, away from my husband and children and I desperately wanted to find something that would fulfil my creative passion.  


I’d made a few cakes at that stage and loved it! So, in 2019, I decided to set-up my cake business. I love everything wedding related and felt this was where I wanted to focus. I signed up to an online flower making course at the beginning of 2020 and learnt how to make sugar flowers and fell in love with them. It was amazing to be able to turn a ball of icing into a beautiful delicate flower. 

I spent most of 2020 learning various cake decorating skills through you-tube videos, tutorials in books and magazines, and lots and lots of practise!


I officially launched my wedding cake business in 2021 and have since had the pleasure of working with many wonderful couples and feel very privileged to have been part of their special day.  


For the future, I have so many ideas for new designs, I can’t wait to work with lots more wonderful couples and am so grateful I get to be creative again!

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